
Love Comes Back Around (acoustic) - Graham Colton



【清新民谣】Graham Colton - Love Comes Back Around (acoustic)

选自Graham Colton发行于2011年的EP《Twenty Something》。这首歌轻快舒缓,清新质朴,有着淡淡的乡村味道。悦耳的吉他音符和浅吟轻诉的歌声相伴,让人感到舒心自然。

Graham Colton是一位来自美国俄克拉荷马州(Oklahoma)的词曲唱作人,音乐类型属于Folk/Country Rock。他以个人名义组成了乐队Graham Colton Band;乐队共发行了两张正式专辑,第一张为2004年发行的《Drive》。

《Love Comes Back Around (acoustic)》

Some say that life, you can't rewind
Even when time is on your side
Some say that pain, it makes you strong
And you find the strength to carry on

Some say what's lost is never found
But I know your love comes back around

Some say that tears are meant to fall
What good is crying after all?
There are mistakes you can't undo
Then they bring out the best in you

Some say what's lost will soon be found
But I know your love is all around

la da da da la da da da
la da da da la da da da (X2)

Some say what's lost is never found
But I know your love comes back around
Sometimes your feet can leave the ground
But always it's love that holds you down

Some say what's lost will soon be found
I know your love comes back around
I know your love is all around
Always your love comes back around

